Clothes and fashion
From Korean Wiki Project
Note that the same verb is not used for wearing all types of clothing in Korean.
가방 - A bag
가방을 들다 - To carry a bag
가방을 매다 - To wear a bag
옷 - Clothes
입다 - To wear (clothes)
걸치다 - To slip on, throw on
벗다 - To take off, to undress
갈아입다 - To change (clothes)
헐렁하다 - To be loose
끼다 - To be tight
바지 가장이 길다 - Pants (legs) are long
바지 가장이 짧다 - Pants (legs) are short
단추 - Button
단추를 채울다/잠그다 - To button
단추를 풀다/끄르다 - To unbutton
안경을 끼다/쓰다 - To wear glasses
안경을 벗다 - To take off glasses
모자를 쓰다 - To wear a hat
모자를 벗다 - To take off a hat
시계를 차다 - To wear a watch
시계를 풀다 - To take off a watch
벨트를 차다 - To wear a belt
밸트를 풀다 - To remove a belt
스카프를 매다 - To wear a scarf
스카프를 풀다 - To remove a scarf
반지 - Ring
반지를 끼다 - To wear a ring
반지를 빼다 - To take off a ring
신발을 신다 - To put on shoes
신발을 벗다 - To take off shoes
양말을 신다 - To put on socks
Types of clothes
한복 <韓服> - Traditional Korean clothing
양복 <洋服> - Business suit
정장 <正裝> - Suit
모자 - Hat
안경 - Glasses
선글라스 - Sunglasses
티셔츠 - Shirt
와이셔츠 - Dress shirt
코트 - Coat
점퍼 - Jumper
자켓/재킷 - Jacket
윗옷 - Upper garments
반지 - Ring
귀고리 - Earring
목걸이 - Necklace
팔찌 - Bracelet
손목시계 - Watch
벨트 - Belt
바지 - Pants
반바지 - Shorts
청바지 - Jeans
치마 - Skirt
미니스커트 - Miniskirt
핫팬츠 - Extremely short pants for woman
쫄바지 - Tight pants
스키니진 - Skinny jeans
팬티 - Tight underwear (male and female)
삼각팬티 - Tight underwear for male
사각팬티/트렁크팬티 - Loose underwear for male
티팬티 - G string (T panty)
브래지어 - Bra
런닝셔츠 - Undervest
구둣주걱 - Shoehorn, shoescoop. The thing that allows a person to put on his shoe more easily.
신발 - Shoes
구두 - Dress shoes
양말 - Socks
운동화 - Sports shoes
하이힐 - High-heeled shoes
등산화 - Mountain-climbing boots
부츠 - Boots
슬리퍼 - Slipper
샌들 - sandal shoes
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